Forging forming -- English · 2023年6月28日 0

Bending fatigue analysis and prediction of the bottom forged part of metallurgical machinery cylinder.”

Metallurgical machinery cylinder bottom forgings are one of the key components that withstand high loads and harsh working conditions. During long-term operation, they often face the challenge of bending fatigue, which can lead to the formation and propagation of cracks, ultimately leading to failure. Therefore, the analysis and prediction of bending fatigue on cylinder bottom forgings is particularly important.

Bending fatigue characteristic analysis:
Firstly, it is necessary to conduct detailed mechanical performance tests and metallographic observations on the materials of metallurgical machinery cylinder bottom forgings to obtain the basic data of bending fatigue performance. By determining and analyzing the stress-strain curve, important parameters such as elastic modulus, yield strength, and ultimate strength of the material can be determined, providing a foundation for subsequent fatigue analysis.

Bending fatigue testing:
In order to evaluate the bending fatigue performance of cylinder bottom forgings, a series of bending fatigue tests need to be conducted. In the tests, appropriate loads and loading frequencies need to be set, and deformation and stress data on the specimens should be recorded. Through continuous loading and observation of specimen deformation, detection of stress concentration areas, and techniques such as acoustic emission, the failure mode and fatigue resistance of the specimens can be obtained.

Bending fatigue life prediction:
Based on the bending fatigue tests, fatigue life prediction methods can be used to assess the cylinder bottom forgings. Common methods include stress-life curve-based methods and vibration modal methods. The stress-life curve-based method establishes a fatigue life prediction curve by determining the life data at different stress levels, and utilizes existing load spectra and vibration modal methods to predict fatigue life under actual working conditions.

Methods to extend bending fatigue life:
In order to extend the service life of metallurgical machinery cylinder bottom forgings, a series of measures need to be taken to reduce stress concentration, prevent crack propagation, and improve the fatigue strength of the materials. Common methods include surface treatment, design optimization to reduce stress concentration, appropriate material selection, and regular maintenance and inspection. Furthermore, reasonable design and operation conditions are also key factors in extending the life of cylinder bottom forgings.

In conclusion, the analysis and prediction of bending fatigue on metallurgical machinery cylinder bottom forgings is an important part of ensuring their safe and reliable operation. By accurately determining material characteristics, designing reasonable test plans, accurately predicting fatigue life, and implementing appropriate life extension measures, the service life of cylinder bottom forgings can be improved, failure risks can be reduced, thus ensuring the normal operation of metallurgical machinery systems.