Forging forming -- English · 2023年7月10日 0

What forces and pressures do aircraft forgings endure in flight?

What forces and pressures do aircraft forgings endure in flight?

Aircraft forgings withstand a variety of forces and pressures during flight, including: flight load: The aircraft will withstand gravity, lift, thrust, resistance and other flight loads during flight. These loads act on aircraft structures, including forgings, subjecting them to forces of different directions and sizes. Aerodynamic load: Aircraft in flight will encounter the air flow on its external surface generated by the force, called aerodynamic load. These loads create stress and shear forces on forgings and other aircraft structures, placing demands on their strength and stiffness. Vibration load: Aircraft in flight due to engine vibration, aerodynamic effects and other reasons, will be subjected to a variety of frequency and amplitude of different vibration loads. These loads will produce dynamic loads on the forgings and put forward requirements on their fatigue performance and reliability. Temperature change: the aircraft may encounter extreme temperature shocks such as high and low temperatures during flight, and the forgings need to withstand the resulting temperature deformation, thermal stress, etc., which puts forward requirements for the material and design of the forgings. Pressure and vacuum: When the aircraft flies at a high altitude, it will be subjected to the pressure and vacuum of the external atmosphere. For example, Windows and doors on the fuselage of an aircraft need to withstand differences in external gas and atmospheric pressure. To sum up, aircraft forgings are subjected to many different types of forces and pressures during flight, including flight loads, aerodynamic loads, vibration loads, temperature changes, as well as pressure and vacuum. The influence of these forces and pressures should be fully considered in the design and manufacturing process to ensure that the forging can work safely and reliably.